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Our Projects

 Our mission is to create conscious sustainable fashion where we are taking care of our environmental cost and not passing it on to the future. For us, design is creative, problem-solving. Any problem, be it post-tsunami trauma, farmer suicides, garbage littering, weavers losing their job, Upasana looks at social issues as a space to exercise for change.
Out of these real problems were born the following projects:


A living symbol of hope

 Facebook : @tsunamika.alivingsymbol

YouTube: Tsunamika Ocean My Home

» Started as a trauma counselling effort for fisherwomen after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004, today more than five million Tsunamika dolls are made and sent to over 80 countries. Tsunamika has now become a ’symbol of hope’. They are gifts of love and friendship. The raw material came from industrial waste and more than 600 women were taught to make them.

» Tsunamika runs on ’gift economy’ - it is never sold, but given. The project runs on community support where people take dolls and contribute as per their capacity. Tsunamika project has been given the ‘Award of Excellence’ by the Government of India and a special recognition by UNESCO.


For a big change
Facebook : @smallstepsbags
Smallsteps is a green campaign which was launched as a solution to the environmental problem of plastic carry bags. We encourage people to avoid the usage of plastic bags by carrying their own shopping bag. Smallsteps, however, is more than just a bag. Women from more than 14 villages work to make these bags. Smallsteps believes that solutions to our problems lie in every little step we take every day.


Varanasi Weavers
Continuing the thread of tradition
Upasana began to work with weavers community in Benaras in 2006 and later went on to introduce a brand called ’Varanasi Weavers.’ This project encourages the weavers to continue what they are good in – weaving. Upasana involves itself with the community with social intervention, design, communication solutions and marketing. This project has been granted special recognition by the UNESCO. Upasana has introduced Varanasi both nationally and globally and has also brought many brands to work in support of the weavers community.


India’s Local Organic Brand
With ’Paruthi’, Upasana decided to go ’Organic’ in 2011. Upasana has been working with the Organic cotton farming community for many years and decided to launch the brand in their support. Paruthi, in Tamil, means 'Cotton’. It has taken a fashion route to sustainability and successfully launched a clothing line under 'Responsible fashion’. Uma, founder of Upasana says, “Fashion has the power to change the world. Give it a chance.”

The Clothing Lab

Welcome to The Clothing Lab sessions @Upasana- Taking fashion to a journey of creating true beauty. The Clothing Lab wants to initiate dialogue and create a community to provide a direction to come together and move towards conscious living. We believe inspiration is a sacred place and in sharing we grow. Conscious clothing takes us towards conscious living.

Basic ( 2 hrs)

Calling out to the tribe of people who wish to explore conscious and sustainable lifestyles. Come acquaint yourself with concepts of Sustainability and Circularity, Engage in open discussions and reflect on the contributions as conscious consumers.

Sign Up

Intermediate (5 hrs)

Learn about global fashion challenges, role as a conscious client, personal wardrobe audits and your conscious clothing scores. Engage closely with “Conscious Fashion“ and experience the change. Come have a walk-through of the Upasana campus.


Weekend Experience

Two day workshop at Upasana's community in Auroville. Typically featuring development of sustainable and ethical practices, Upasana case study, personal audits, fashion scenario across the world. Credited with Certificate of Participation.

For more information on pricing, batch sizes and commencement dates, you can also call us on +91 9442982957 and reach out at


1. What is the mode of Learning?

A. Offline

2. Do I require any material for the course?

A. No

3. After Registration when does my course begin?

A. Once the batch is formed with minimum number of enrollment.

4. Do I need to be from a specific background for the course?

A. No

5. Is there any age criteria?

A. No

6. Who is this course for?

A. Everyone who wears clothes

Circularity + Sustainability

Our tryst with complexity of responsible fashion.

Read our stories


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